Thursday, 5 September 2013

23. Day 15. Thursday 5th September 2013

Start Point: Luxveuil les Bains 1005'
Highest point during the day: 2750'
End Point: La Caquerelle 2750'
Total climbing: 2300'
Climbing difficulty factor: 63
Distance: 70 miles
Cumulative distance: 686 miles

Probably the best day's cycling. Left Luxeuil early and had 50 miles done by 1.30 and crossed the Swiss border at 2pm. A bit disappointed not to find customs, passport control, or at least a big sign saying welcome to Switzerland!

The gradients started, and this photo taken about 3pm was to remind me how much I wanted to lie in this 2m long tub of cold water!

Instead, I took my helmet and gloves off, and more or less dipped my head in! The road ahead was just about do-able on the bike (as opposed to walking) but with an early start and 65 miles on the clock, I was ready for a stop if I saw anything.

The camera doesn't really capture the height, but this photo was taken at 2600' up the Jura Mountains and almost at the top of the first 'hump'.

About a mile further on, feeling like I might continue a little bit more, suddenly, there was a golf course on the left, and a hotel/restaurant on the right. Rooms available and bike storage! Back of the net!

Here is the elevation profile again (it looks slightly different as it's on the Garmin satnav rather than the computer, but you can see I'm over half way up.

You can just read the scale of 15 miles per square, so the summit is about 20 miles away. I'm confident I can do that tomorrow morning, and will be freewheeling down the other side towards Bern in the afternoon.

Wengen is only 63 miles away (as the crow flies) and about 110 on my route, so I'm starting to think I can do it without another rest day?

Here's the latest map. Me in blue. Wengen in red.

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